I'm still in bed. I have no curly tail, I checked. I have a sore head now. Wierd, vague symptoms. I think I'll pull through though, really (as you know, I tend toward being a drama queen - I'm sure this is just some nasty little virus). It feels a bit like I'm horribly hungover but without the fabulous night before... Hmph.
I must just say one thing though, which could be put down to my fever, but it would be a bit of a push, because it's really not a fever of the delirious proportions, it's only a little fever. It's going to sound really freaky, but I'm not all that freaked out by it, just vaguely perturbed. I keep feeling like death is hanging about. Not mine, necessarily. I'm not sure what it is, and it sounds wierd, I know. I don't usually have feelings like this and it's horrid. It's like a shadow in the corner, breathing quietly. It's not nasty, just present. Okay, I realise that does sound really freaky. I'm just being honest though.
Perhaps I've just had too much time to think, in bed?
1 week ago
Hmmm. Hope its just the fevery bits. But always good to say these things when you feel them coz then if someone DOES die then you can say you knew. Gives you a certain mystery, no? Hope its not an icky feeling and it doesn't come true. And that you get better soooooon!
That's not a good feeling.
May the shadows leave with the fever. . .
Open the windows, let in the breeze and banish the Shade from whence it came!
I did - I opened the windows, let the spring air in, and... Abracadabra! All better! x
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