It came from nowhere. The wind was blowing so hard that the tree outside my window, all fifty-plus years of it's five-storey height looked like it may blow away like one little stalk of a dandylion. I'm convinced the Weatherman fucks with me, and changes the weather, according to my head space. That seems a bit presumptious but, perhaps, it's just my little world's weather. I wouldn't want to mess with anybody else's.
In the midst of a swirling, whirling, tweeting bird, sparkling star-filled time with so much promise of fabulous new things and amazing people (person), it appeared, just like that. The skulking shadow came out into the light. I see it and feel like every single piece of me is made of salt water. Like I could easily just turn into a pool of tears, gushing along the gutter, into the rain drain, and down to the sea.
Perhaps, finally, it is time?
1 week ago
No tears, no tears! Just a gurgling and whooshing and blowing and jumping excitement. And that is quite okay. Believe in a good outcome! It will happen if you want it to.
Perhaps it is.
Tears can be good detergent, don't be fraid of them.
That bladdy wind, though.
Angela - yes, I'm concentrating on the happiness. It's hard not to, really.
Tam - exactly. The bladdy wind. Drives everybody slightly batty
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