Oops, I missed it. I'm not sure how, because (I thought) I was watching so carefully, each time I signed in and wrote a post, seeing the numbers click up... 298... 299... and then, whamo!, this morning... 301. I was planning a great 300th post. 300! That means I spilled out words onto a screen 300 (and 1) times. Sheesh. Obviously a pretty cloud scudded by or a hadeda flapped and shouted over at me, or something, which distracted me, and made me miss it. It's not serious, though, because this 'centurial' birthday, I don't think I have anything momentous to announce. No great blurts, like the 100th and 200th. You know my Tragedystory... you know pretty much all. Well, all of the things I'm willing to write in a public forum. Oh, the privacy thing, yes, it's still there.
So what to say on this, my 300th (+2) post? I think the thing I want to say is Thank You. To the world, really, to Blogland and the real one. I realised while thinking about this post this morning that both the real and the 'unreal' (blog) realm provide me with so much entertainment and just stuff to write about, be it sometimes just inane rambling. Had I not got into this blog thing I would be neglecting my writing even more than I do already. And I really do love it, once I start.
This all sounds a bit like an Oscar acceptance speech except that nobody is starting to play music so that I’ll shush and leave the stage. I am back from my break in the countryside to a little place on a big river in a village with an aching heart. We ate, we slept (a lot!), we played Trvial Pursuit (a lot), we read books, and we stared at the stars and the beautiful new moon. And it was quiet, except for the sounds of birds and the occasional tractor. I was meant to write while I was there. I didn’t open my laptop once. It was bliss.
I have lots of stories to write now – of the village with it’s sad tragedy that happened, unbeknownst to us initially; the young girl Heidi-like, up in the hills, doing wine tasting; the old man, youngest of eight, at the bottom of the hill, making wine; and the talkative girl at the hotel bar, fixated on E!’s inane ramblings of blondes drinking too much and taking their clothes off, her story too dark to tell in our fleeting meeting, but I could feel it was there.
Best I get to work then, isn’t it?
1 week ago
HIGH [300+2] FIVE !!! :)
Gail - thank you!
Well done on the big milestone!
You were missed.
Looking forward to hearing you unbundle your holiday happenings: you always have such a unique way of seeing and telling them
300 more please!
Yes please! Cheers from Auntie!
Yes yes hurry up I love reading your stories.....and congratulations for keeping going and reaching 300 - shit - I've lost count now.....Lx
Yes yes hurry up I love reading your stories.....and congratulations for keeping going and reaching 300 - shit - I've lost count now.....Lx
Yes yes hurry up I love reading your stories.....and congratulations for keeping going and reaching 300 - shit - I've lost count now.....Lx
Yes yes hurry up I love reading your stories.....and congratulations for keeping going and reaching 300 - shit - I've lost count now.....Lx
OMG sorry - don't know how that happened...Lx
Allie - unbundling as we speak.
Mud and Geli - indeed. Thank you.
L - thank you, 6 times over! Snigger. Blogspit and it's little glitches. Made me feel ever-so-popular though!
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